Anime little witch academia
Anime little witch academia

anime little witch academia

Originally a standalone film, its popularity saw the release of its sequel The Enchanted Parade on October 9, 2015, which partially funded through Kickstarter. It was started from the original short film of the same name which released in theaters on Maas part of the Young Animator Training Project's Anime Mirai 2013 project. Little Witch Academia is a franchise written by Yō Yoshinari and produced by Studio Trigger. The promotional poster for the series' short film

anime little witch academia


anime little witch academia

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  • A person who looked suspiciously like CLG founder George “ HotshotGG” Georgallidis appeared in Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited years ago. This isn’t the first time there’s been a League reference in anime either. This anime was probably one of the last places we expected to see competitive League of Legends but, hey! We’re down for it. The anime is about a new witch in training, Akko, and her goals of becoming a good witch at her boarding school. We don’t know why the NA LCS finals match-up was chosen, but I think it’s safe to assume that Studio Trigger, the company behind LWA, has at least one fan on staff. They’re watching something called the “Wild Hunt” and it’s a competition to see who can catch more ghosts in 12 days. The cameo happens seconds into episode 18 and you can see the class of witches watching the game on the big screen - but the game is not League of Legends. There’s a undetailed version of champion select on the screen featuring the two teams (and the two subs!) The score is apparently 6 to 5, so Cloud9 is in the lead! Esports goes hard in the anime world, apparently. Wtf saw a reddit post we made it on an anime LOL /wlU3u8iS7P- Andy Ta May 9, 2017

    Anime little witch academia